Star Group Productions provides the Audio System at the venue to guarantee that only the best equipment and experienced technicians are at your event. There is not one sound system that will work in all cases. The industry is constantly evolving and the requirements, set ups, guest counts and specific needs change. Live event sound systems have come a long way since their birth and initial development 60 years ago.
Our venues were designed 100 years ago by the lions of architecture to make an impression on the individual's senses and we share this desire. We chose equipment and designers that have revolutionized the sound industry and created partnerships with the brands that are the major players and suppliers to the top venues world wide.

Video presentation and video equipment are some of the fastest growing segments of the live event production business. They are evolving so quickly that it is overlapping into areas once the domain of Lighting. Video has come to the masses as technology has become accessible for anyone to create PowerPoint, DVD's, or short films. The choices one has with video are ever expanding.
Due to the exquisite venues we operate in, we fly our video projectors and provide back up for everything. Your video presentation may be financial or personal but it will be presented on and through professional grade technology. We can provide equipment to support any format now available and we will guide you through the options as to what would be the best video application for your event.

Turn the lights down in the room you are in now. How does it affect your senses?
Lighting is everything. decor, personal connections, and making memories all require light. The better the lighting, the better everything else is. People respond to light at the most basic level but there is nothing basic about event lighting.
White light contains all of the colors of the lighting spectrum, so the effect you create with just one color can bring you to a variety of emotions. What are you lighting? When do you need it do be revealed in light? Does it move? How will the object you want lit respond to light? We approach lighting with these questions in mind to get the best result for your event and we use the best theatrical lighting instruments, trained electricians, programmers and board ops to match your vision.

Star Group has the knowledge, ability and commitment to get anything you think of (literally) up off the ground. We can fly event components like: scenery, sound, lighting and video, aerialist performers or even your guests, the sky is the limit. Star Group's production rigging team has over 25 year experience in live event production. We are the guys that now preface advice with: "When I was on tour..." or "there was this one time..."
Our aged wisdom and time-tested procedures excel our use of modern techniques and gear. We take the best of the old school methods and apply our problem solving skills to provide the most concise service anywhere.